- The subaltern sent a soldier to his superior officer. 军士派了一名士兵去找军官。
- "Certainly an impecunious Subaltern was not a catch" (Rudyard Kipling). “一文不名的陆军中尉当然不值得去俘获”(鲁边亚德·基辅林)。
- It is the selfsame form as capital, and this is why sexuality, desire and pleasure are subaltern values. 这是与资金完全相同的形态,这是为什么性欲、欲望和快感是次要的价值。
- Her subaltern educational theory has brought new insight to the education in China. 其属下教育理论对中国的教育有重要的启示作用。
- In this chapter, Spivak's theories help us to investigate the dilemma of the gendered subaltern in the representation of the Partition. 梅塔的选择不呈现这个保姆在被挟持之后所发生的际遇更是留下了一个空间让我们去思考女性底层人民的沉默。
- He was stopped by the sentinels of the French cavalry.A French subaltern of hussars, in a crimson uniform and a fur cap, shouted to Balashov to stop. 一位身穿深红色制服,头戴毛茸茸的帽子的骠骑兵士官(军士)喝令走近的巴拉瑟夫站住。
- Through uncoercive rearrangement of the desires, the subaltern is likely to enter the public sphere and get room for upward mobility. 认为属下教育就是要对属下的欲望进行重组,目的在于让他们进入公共空间,实现社会流动。
- This kind of development lies in three aspects, namely, subaltern perspective, local experience and the interaction between text and field relating. 历史学正是在这种“襄理旧业,益以新知”的过程中,不断完成研究范式、研究方法、研究对象的革新和转移。
- Dong Mingzhu from stride sale arena to begin, amount to hardships of 40 days to chase after debt to pull open with one subaltern. 董明珠从迈上营销舞台开始,就以一次长达40天的艰辛追债拉开。
- In other words, the term "Subaltern Group" was created out of the need of the intellectual class. And the same goes for Subaltern Reality, especially the discourse of such. 也就是说,“底层”是因知识阶层的需要而被生产出来的,因此,底层现实也只是,甚至尤其一种话语。
- On the other hand, market-oriented economic reform increasingly widened the gaps between different social classes.As a result, the discussion on subaltern began to surface. 另一方面,市场经济改革拉大了社会各阶层的差距,底层的话题日渐凸显出来。
- Paying no further attention to Balashov, the subaltern began talking with his comrades about regimental matters, without looking at the Russian general. 士官再也不理巴拉瑟夫,开始与同事们谈论自己团队的事,看也不看俄罗斯将军。
- LiuYan, female, who was born in March, 1972, now is a professor and the subaltern director of the Biostatistics Department of Harbin Medical University. 刘艳,女,1972年3月出生,哈尔滨医科大学卫生统计学教研室副主任,教授,硕士生导师。
- Rise in this subaltern wave period in, world economy is shown be changed equably and polarization two kinds of trends, changing world economy structure thereby. 在这次长波上升期中 ,世界经济表现出均等化和两极分化两种趋势 ,从而改变着世界经济格局。
- Summary:Funmobile redesign their official website.New website launched.Poket studio which is a subaltern department of Tsinghua-shenxun science &technology Co.. starts to spread its brand. 这家香港公司的作品总体来讲还是处于上游。从产品列表上看,也有一些质量比较一般的,可能是开发的工作室对质量的监控不一致吧。
- Subaltern a. 次要的;
- Can the Subaltern Speak? 属下能说话吗?
- Summary: Funmobile redesign their official website. New website launched. Poket studio which is a subaltern department of Tsinghua-shenxun science& technology Co.. starts to spread its brand. 这家香港公司的作品总体来讲还是处于上游。从产品列表上看,也有一些质量比较一般的,可能是开发的工作室对质量的监控不一致吧。
- Lt.Heilig, a slightly paunchy man in his forties, listened carefully, asked a few questions, then gave an order to his subaltern, a strapping young sergeant: "Hugo, notify the mountain rescue. 赫利格中尉稍显大腹便便,40多岁,他仔细地听我们说话,问了一些问题,然后对他的下属,一个身材魁梧的年轻警佐下了命令,“雨果,通知山地救援队。”
- Heilig, a slightly paunchy man in his forties, listened carefully, asked a few questions, then gave an order to his subaltern, a strapping young sergeant: “Hugo, notify the mountain rescue. “雨果,通知山地救援队。”